Book reviews in this section are edited by Christene d’Anca (University of California, Santa Barbara)
List of book reviews (Open Access)
Valeria Fol et al., The Thracians: What You Need to Know (Sofia: Bulgarian History, 2025) by Jordan Iliev
Marius Mureșan, De la liberalism la neoliberalism în România (1875-1938) [From liberalism to neoliberalism in Romania (1875-1938)] (Cluj-Napoca: Mega, 2024) by Andrei Dălălău
Joshua M. Cragle, Converting the Saxons: A Study of Violence and Religion in Early Medieval Germany (London and New York: Routledge, 2024) by Carole Cusack
Attila Bárány (ed.), Mercenaries and Crusaders (Debrecen: University of Debrecen, 2024) by Ardian Muhaj
Karin R. Hofmeister, Remembering Suffering and Resistance: Memory Politics and the Serbian Orthodox Church (Budapest-Vienna-New York: CEU Press, 2024) by Radmila Radić
Bogdan Teodor, Jordan Baev, Matthew Crosston, Mihaela Teodor (eds.), Old and New Insights on the History of Intelligence and Diplomacy in the Balkans (New York: Peter Lang, 2023) by Gordan Akrap
Sofia Kotzabassi (ed.), A Companion to the Intellectual Life of the Palaeologan Period (Leiden: Brill, 2023) by Dimitra Moniou
Vicky Davis, Central Asia in World War Two: The Impact and Legacy of Fighting for the Soviet Union (London: Bloomsbury, 2023) by Michał Kuryłowicz
Georgia Xanthaki-Karamanou, Dionysiac Dialogues: Euripides’ Bacchae, Aeschylus, and Christus Patiens (Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter, 2022) by Dimitra Moniou
Luca Zavagno, The Byzantine City from Heraclius to the Fourth Crusade, 610–1204. Urban Life after Antiquity (Cham: Palgrave, 2021) by Alexandru Madgearu
František Šístek (ed.), Imagining Bosnian Muslims in Central Europe: Representations, Transfers and Exchanges (New York and Oxford: Berghahn, 2021) by Stojanka Lužija
Alexios G. C. Savvides, Bosphorus/Bosporos (Boghaz-içi) from Byzantine to Latin and Ottoman Times (4th-15th centuries). Constantinople Viewed from the North-East Water Currents… (Athens: Herodotus, 2020) by Susan Sorek
Jolanta Sujecka (ed.), The Balkan Jews and the Minority Issue in South-Eastern Europe (Warszawa: Wydawca, 2020) by Francesco Trupia
Alexios G. C. Savvides, Byzantino-Russica: Six-and-a-half centuries of Byzantine-Russian relations (Thessaloniki: K. & M. Ant. Stamoulis Publications, 2018) by Iakovos Menelaou
Simon MacLean, ed. and trans., History and Politics in Late Carolingian and Ottonian Europe. The Chronicle of Regino of Prüm and Adalbert of Magdeburg (Manchester: MUP, 2009) by David Kalhous