Hiperboreea (ISSN 2688-8211; E-ISSN 2284-5666) is published by the Penn State University Press on behalf of the Balkan History Association (BHA). It focuses on the study of Southeastern Europe, broadly defined as the states situated in the Balkan region. Without limiting its scope a specific historical period or approach, the journal covers a wide range of topics, such as Cultural History, Political History, Military History, Social History, Economic History and Archaeology, and encourages work on any historical period and interdisciplinary background. All electronic issues are available online on the Scholarly Publishing Collective (managed by Duke University Press). Members of the Balkan History Association will receive two hardcopies of per year (or read-online access through Scholarly Publishing Collective) by virtue of their membership.

Since its first publication in 2012, Hiperboreea has had a monthly periodicity from January 2012 to March 2013, a quarterly publication until the end of 2013, and, starting 2014, a biannual appearance. Our Publication ethics and malpractice statements are based on Publishing ethics resource (PERK) kit of Elsevier and follows the recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). The Editorial Board invite submissions from senior scholars and junior researchers who have obtained the doctoral degree. PhD students may also submit articles as co-authors with their supervisors or other senior researchers.

According to the ranking system of the National Council of Scientific Research (CNCS) in Romania, Hiperboreea is included in category B (Humanities, History and Cultural Studies). It is one of the few Romanian journals that have built a solid presence in the online environment, being indexed in the following international databases and libraries: Web of Science ESCIScopusEBSCOCEEOLPerséeERIH PLUSProQuestIndex CopernicusInternational Medieval BibliographyInternational Bibliography of Humanism and the Renaissance, Bibliographical Information Base in PatristicsWorldCatJ-GateRegesta ImperiiModern Language Association International BibliographyColumbia International Affairs Online, Romanian Academy LibraryOxford LibraryHarvard LibraryUniversity of Toronto LibrariesNational Library of AustraliaState Library of New South Wales UniversityVillanova University LibraryUniversity Library of TübingenMarburg University LibraryGhent University LibraryFlinders University LibraryRegensburg University LibraryLancaster University LibraryMount St. Mary’s UniversityUniversity Library of KU LeuvenUNSW Sydney LibraryACNP University of BolognaCentral Washington University LibrariesPortland State University LibraryKyushu University LibraryHebis, eLIBRARY.RU.


Book Reviews (Open Access)

Editorial Board

Advisory Board

Submission Guidelines

Peer Review Policy

