BHA Webinar Series
We are delighted to invite you to the first BHA Webinar.
Jillian Mitchell, a member of the Balkan History Association will present
“391 CE: The Emperor Theodosius and the Triumph of Christianity”.
Monday 22 June, 6 pm (Greece) / 4 pm (UK)
Moderator: Ana-Maria Răducan (Institute for Advanced Studies in Levant Culture and Civilization, Bucharest)
Jillian Mitchell is a member of the Balkan History Association and Editor of Hiperboreea. She has a MA in Medieval and Modern History (University of Aberdeen) and a PhD in Classics at the University of Wales, Trinity Saint David (2017). The title of the doctoral thesis was “The Religious World of Quintus Aurelius Symmachus”. Symmachus lived between 340 and 402 CE in Rome, was a senator, a famous orator and one of the last pagans of Rome. He left official despatches to the emperors of the day and 900 private letters which were the primary source of her thesis. Theodosius, Emperor of the Eastern Roman Empire between 379 to 395 who is the subject of this webinar, was one of the emperors who Symmachus served in various official capacities.