New partnership with the School of Advanced Social Studies in Nova Gorica

Our Association is proud to announce its new partnership with the School of Advanced Social Studies from Nova Gorica, Slovenia! The School of Advanced Social Studies in Nova Gorica (SASS) is a private higher education establishment that carries out scientific, Read More

Welcome to our newest members

The Balkan History Association is delighted to announce new members: Laura Mesina, Jordan Iliev and Mircea Cristian Pricop. Laura Mesina has a PhD in Philology, and is associate professor at the Faculty of Letters, University of Bucharest. She works as researcher Read More

CfP – 7th International Conference on European Studies: The Power and Politics of Transitional Justice

Deadline for abstract submission: March 25, 2020 Conference Scope Within these 2 decades, transitional justice has become a key pillar on transforming politics, societies and scope of international intervention.  As a transitional mechanism, this international norm has covered post-conflict countries, Read More

Call for Applications ReIReS Scholarships for Transnational Access

The EU funded project “Research Infrastructure on Religious Studies” (ReIReS) offers scholars from any academic discipline the opportunity to spend typically two weeks in one of fourteen outstanding European research centres (libraries and archives) in Belgium, Bulgaria, France, Germany, and Read More

Conferinţa ştiinţifică internaţională “ISTORIE, CULTURĂ ŞI CERCETARE”, ediţia a III-a

Sub egida Consiliului Judeţean Hunedoara, Muzeul Civilizaţiei Dacice şi Romane Deva în colaborare cu Asociaţia de Istorie Balcanică din Bucureşti, a organizat în perioada 1-2 noiembrie 2019, a III-a ediţie a conferinţei științifice internaţionale Istorie, Cultură şi Cercetare. Evenimentul ştiinţific Read More