Undoubtedly, sport, and football in particular, is one of the great phenomena of the 20th century. The fact that FIFA member states outnumber UN ones (211 vs. 193) speaks volumes about its great importance. Therefore, through football, many political and social processes in modern history can be explained.

This volume will go into the history of football and its role in society in the Balkans. The aim of the volume is to analyse and put into debate various aspects of football as a social phenomenon. Paper proposals on every issue relating to the volume theme are welcome, with special emphasis on: the political background of football over the years; the formation and development of fan culture; the importance of football for different social groups and nationalities; the cultural framework of football; football and international relations.

The Balkan History Association encourages paper proposals from young researchers, doctoral students, established scholars and former practitioners.

Submission procedure

Please submit your proposal, including the title of your manuscript, an abstract (up to 300 words) and short bio (up to 100 words) to all editors. The abstracts should include the research question and purpose, the approach and main ideas, and results. No figures, tables, footnotes, or endnotes should be included in the abstract. All submitted studies will be peer-reviewed and the revision process will start immediately after the deadline.


March 30, 2021: Submit proposals to editors
April 15, 2021: Notification of accepted proposals
September 30, 2021: Receipt of full studies for review
November 15, 2021: Revised studies re-submitted to editors
December 15, 2021: Approved studies delivered to publisher


Teodor Borisov (Institute for Historical Studies, BAS, Sofia), tborisov89@gmail.com

Dariusz Wojtaszyn (University of Wrocław), wojtaszyn@wbz.uni.wroc.pl

Ed Turner (Aston University, Birmingham), e.turner@aston.ac.uk

Maroš Melichárek (Pavol J. Šafárik University, Košice), maros.melicharek@upjs.sk

Dario Brentin (University of Applied Sciences, Vienna), dario.brentin@gmail.com

Tin Mudražija (University of Maribor), tinmudrazija@yahoo.com

Marko Begovic (Faculty of Sport, University “Union – N. Tesla”, Belgrade), marko.inovativnost@gmail.com

Please circulate this call for papers among your colleagues and other potentially interested scholars.

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